Agile applications outside work

I recently read an article of how an Atlassian team member experimented his work place principles at his kids' swimming class ( a swim lane diagram if included would have been classic for the extra pun, but the experiment was great without it too ) . 

The true effectiveness of frameworks and methodologies is determined by how well they can be used on all fronts - workplace to personal life. And methodologies are all about a change in mindsets beyond the office walls or working hours. 

Drawing from my own personal experience, I attempted a retrospection during my last few working days at a recent project - getting the team's feedback on what I did well, what can be improved etc.

I have also done the classic root cause analysis for a personal issue at hand and it proved to be much more effective than just guesstimating on a few factors.

I have managed my personal To-Do lists in Trello - simple and efficient way of prioritizing work at hand and managing multiple responsibilities.

A few years ago, my husband and I were unable to decide on a name for our kid, each of us had our favorites and we had no common names. So we did a weighted points matrix on various factors and arrived at - take a guess .... a tie !! But now we only had 2 names to finalize from rather than 10 and the process was much more fun.

Even in terms of planning and goal setting ( be it for personal growth or investments ) an Agile roadmap or OKRs prove to be effective and give our thoughts the much needed structure as well as facilitates data driven decision making.

Of course not everything from work can be applied to our personal lives ( thank god I don't have to fill timesheets and raise invoices at home :) ) even in an apples-oranges comparison but the more we use the tools and methodologies, the more we understand them in the true sense.